Esto es lo que están haciendo los/las estudiantes de Harvard
This is what the Harvard students are doing
Los estudiantes del Laboratorio Microrrobótico de Harvard han desarrollado una abeja robótica conocida como 'Abeja Monolítica' o 'Mobee' ('Monolithic Bee'').
Students at the Harvard Microbotics Laboratory have developed a robotic bee known as 'Monolithic Bee' or 'Mobee'.
Students at the Harvard Microbotics Laboratory have developed a robotic bee known as 'Monolithic Bee' or 'Mobee'.
El insecto se imprime sobre capas de fibra de carbono y plástico. La combinación permite que las uniones sean sólidas pero flexibles.
The insect is printed from layers of carbon-fiber and plastic. The combination allows for joints which are sturdy but bendable.
The insect is printed from layers of carbon-fiber and plastic. The combination allows for joints which are sturdy but bendable.
'Abeja monolítica' de los estudiantes del Laboratorio Microrrobótico de Harvard / 'Monolithic Bee' by students at the Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory |
La abeja se pliega con un rápido movimiento parecido a los libros desplegables, así no requiere montaje.
The bee folds up with one quick movement similar to a pop-up book, thus requiring no assembly.
Lleva adjuntas alas de titanio, que cuando se le aplica una fuente de energía externa, son capaces de moverse a 1 ó 30 herzios.
Attached are titanium wings, which, when applied to an external power source, are able to move at 1 or 30 hertz.
Este proceso de impresión de MEMS (sistemas electromecánicos) recientemente desarrollado puede ser aplicado a un gran número de dispositivos robóticos.
Attached are titanium wings, which, when applied to an external power source, are able to move at 1 or 30 hertz.
Una moneda americana muestar la escala de la abeja robótica / An american coin shows the scale of the robot bee |
Y es idóneo para pasar a la producción.
This newly developed process of printing MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) can be applied to a large number of robotic devices.And is well suited to pass production.
Detalle del mecanismo de plegado. / Detail of folding mechanism. |
This tiny device isn't able to fly, it's only a demo, a micro piece of art capable of assembly and move by its own.
Fuente: Designboom
Source: Designboom
Webs relacionadas: Laboratorio Microrobótico de Harvard
Related Websites: Harvard Microbotics Laboratory
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