No podía faltar en este blog el gran tema de Queen compuesto (letra y música) por Roger Taylor. Se grabó en 1986 y pertenece al album del mismo título que fue banda sonora de la película "Los Inmortales"
We couldn't miss in this blog the great song of Queen composed (words and music) by Roger Taylor. It was recorded in 1986 and belongs to the album with the same title that was the sound track of the movie "Highlander"
Sirva como tributo a una leyenda de la música.
Serve as a tribute to a legend of the music.
Its a kind of magic
Its a kind of magic
A kind of magic
One dream one soul one prize one goal
One golden glance of what should be
Its a kind of magic
One shaft of light that shows the way
No mortal man can win this day
Its a kind of magic
The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
Its a kind of magic
The waiting seems eternity
The day will dawn of sanity
Is this a kind of magic
Its a kind of magic
There can be only one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done
This flame that burns inside of me
Im here in secret harmonies
Its a kind of magic
The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
Its a kind of magic
Its a kind of magic
The rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be will soon be
Will soon be done
This is a kind of magic
There can be only one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done-done
Magic - its a kind of magic
Its a kind of magic
Magic magic magic magic
Ha ha ha its magic
Its a kind of magic
Páginas relacionadas: Queen, Los inmortales
Related websites: Queen, Highlanders
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